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AOPA Pull Up Bar for Doorway, Thickened Steel Max Limit 440 LBS Strength Tr

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商品名 AOPA Pull Up Bar for Doorway, Thickened Steel Max Limit 440 LBS Strength Training Pullーup Bar, Portable Multiーfunction Pullup Chin Up Bar, Heavy Duty Doorway Upper Body Workout Bar for Home Gyms
商品コメント ?Max Capacity Exceed 440LBS1.7mm extra thick heavyーduty steel, rather than 1mm thin steel, increase stability and durability, Max weight capacity of the pullup bar exceed 440LBS. The chin up bar uses high quality Tーbolt and jam nut which ensure that automatic locking position, screws never loosen, providing extra security. With baking paint process, beautiful appearance, Antiーpeeling paint, Antiーrust, durable and longーlasting.?Measure Your Door FrameThe length of the doorway pull up bar is 37’’, which fits any standard doorways width from 24’’ to 32’’, deep from 4.7" to 7.5". Portable design, No screws, NO holes on the wall and NO damage to door. Simple installation, Assembly in seconds. You can remove the workout bar after exercising, making it an ideal fitness equipment for home or indoor.?Multifunctional Home GymAOPA Pull Up Bars is an ideal upper body exercise equipment with three grip positions, narrow, wide, and neutral. The door pull up bar supports pushー ups, sitーups, pullーups, chinーups, dips, arm and shoulder exercises. Its easy to make your home and office become your gym and help you build a strong upper body & core muscles.?Ergonomic Design1. We offer a pair of additional foam to protect doorway without marks. 2. The square steel on the chin up bar top has a thickened foam stripe (others only has thin stripe) provide extra protection for the wall. 3. Multiple handles are coated with professionalーgrade high fiber foam, comfortable grip, multiーfunction, antiーslip and wear resistance to protect your wrists and relieve fatigue during exercising.?No Worry Buying For all AOPA pull up bar, the measurement and capacity is actual result. Order today and get a 180 days cover on the bar. Before using the workout bar tug down on the grips to make sure the unit is securely installed into door frame. Any problems please feel free to contact us by email. We will do our best to help you solve the problem.

残り 1 9156円

(92 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.02.26〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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