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Chuck: Complete Fourth Season [Blu-ray] [Import][並行輸入品]

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商品名 Chuck: Complete Fourth Season [Blu-ray] [Import]
商品コメント レビュ-In the Chuck Season 4 DVD, Chuck continues its highly entertaining blend of drama, comedy, and romance. Nice guy computer nerd and newly minted CIA agent Chuck Bartkowski (Zachary Levi) is finally teamed, both personally and professionally, with the lovely and deadly CIA agent Sara Walker (Yvonne Strahovski). At the beginning of the Chuck Season 4 DVD, Chuck and best buddy Morgan (Joshua Gomez) search for Chucks long missing mother Mary Bartkowski (extended cameo by Linda Hamilton), thought to be a rogue agent working for the villainous international arms dealer Alexei Volkov (a superbly over-the-top Timothy Dalton). In a multi-episode sequence, Chuck, Morgan, Sara and the famously gruff NSA agent John Casey (Adam Baldwin) track and eventually confront Mary Bartkowski and Volkov. Marys loyalties are something of a mystery, especially after she deprives Chuck of the use of the Intersect embedded in his brain, which provides him with his spy skills. Season Four was originally scheduled for 13 episodes, before being extended to a full season. Lucky fans get two season finales. In the first, Team Bartkowski tries to protect Chucks sister Ellie from the Volkov gang, as she prepares to give birth to her first child with husband Captain Awesome, and as Chuck seeks a quiet moment to propose to the evasive Sara. In the second, Chuck and Sara must escape the revenge of the Volkov family long enough to bring off their own wedding. The steam could easily have gone out of the series after Chuck and Sara finally got together, but the creative team of Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak keeps finding ways to keep it funny and interesting. Any number of boomer TV series and movie dramas get hilariously ripped off this season, while a parallel storyline has Casey and Morgan as mismatched house mates and agent partners, with Morgan trying to keep secret his relationship with Caseys daughter Alex.Product DescriptionOperation Wedded Bliss: will Chuck and Sarah finally become Mr. and Mrs. Superspy? Season Fours 24 laugh- and action-filled episodes include the duos romance from proposal to planning to the big day. Yes, Chucks in love, but he has more than romance (and the Intersect) on his mind. His mom comes in from the cold, escaping the evil control of an international arms dealer to become part of the Nerd Herder-turned-spys life - and making it even tougher for Chuck to keep his professional and personal worlds separate. On some days, Chuck outwits assassins and out-martial-arts hordes of black-clad bad guys. On others, he pursues Sarah and prepares to become a doting uncle. On most days, he does it all!

残り 1 8990円

(90 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.03.05〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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