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Wowok Advent Calendar 2023 Christmas Jigsaw Puzzles- Christmas by the Firep

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商品説明 輸入商品は受注後に海外の倉庫より取り寄せ、国内で検品後、お客様へ発送となります。そのため、納期は約2〜3週間のお時間をいただいております。 製品自体、未使用品になりますが、輸入商品の場合、アメリカからの輸送中に外箱にダメージがある場合がございます。商品自体のご使用には問題ございません。また、輸入関税のご請求はございませんので、ご安心ください。 商品カテゴリ タクトショップ キッチン、日用品、文具 本、雑誌、コミック関連グッズその他趣味カレンダー JANコード/ISBNコード 0731905969207 商品コード YS0000047440637366
商品名 Wowok Advent Calendar 2023 Christmas Jigsaw Puzzles- Christmas by the Fireplace Holiday Puzzles for Adults Kids, 24 Parts 1008 Pieces Jigsaw Puzzles Gift for Countdown to Christmas
商品コメント Unique Advent Calendar Christmas Puzzle: This is a christma puzzle of advent calendars which contains 24 numbered boxes to open on the day that corresponds to the number. The inside of each box have 42 pieces puzzles, which belong to the part of the whole 1008-piece jigsaw puzzle. Your goal is to finish one section of the puzzle every day between December 1 and December 24.How to Finished This Christmas Advent Calendar 2023 Puzzles: The first section is located at the top left corner of the puzzle, and each day you will add new sections and watch your puzzle grow. When you complete the bottom right section on Christmas Eve, you have finished the entire 1008-piece puzzle.Easier than 1000 Piece Christmas Puzzles: Knowing which pieces belong to which section makes this puzzle a bit easier than other 1000-piece puzzles. Its more suitable for families to play together. However, the different sections also have varying difficulty, meaning that some days you will finish your section relatively quickly, while some days will prove to be more of a challenge ? even for experienced "puzzlers".High Quality and Large Size: This advent calendar Christma Puzzle are made of 1008 pieces high quality recycled cardboard, sturdy and bend-resistant. Special surface film treatment, color remains freshness after long time storage. Boxing Included 1008 pcs jigsaw puzzle and a full-color bonus poster. After you finish it, the size is the same as the jigsaw puzzles 1000 pieces, Finished size are: 70*50cm/27.56" x 19.69".Special Gift Ideal: This jigsaw puzzles 1008 pieces of christmas theme comes with a high-quality box making it a perfect gift for adults teens on Christmas. This 1008 pieces puzzles for adults with 24 Parts to Countdown to Christmas is an artwork painting never go out of style and very special gift to help boost your Christmas spirits. Lets countdown to christmas day together with this christmas advent calendar 2023

残り 1 9786円

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お届け日: 2025.03.05〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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