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Hands Craft DIY Miniature Dollhouse Kit - Mysterious World Bloomy House 3D

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商品説明 こちらの商品は欧米仕様の海外直輸入品です。 ご注文を頂いた後に、弊社アメリカ倉庫より商品を取り寄せ、日本国内倉庫で一旦受領、検品等の後、お届け先へ発送致します。お届けには通常2-4週間程お時間を頂戴しております。 海外からの流通過程において外箱等に若干のスレ・ヘコミなどが生じる場合がありますので、あらかじめご了承ください。 通関手続きの際に商品の開封確認を行う場合があります。輸入関税の請求はございません。 他店舗でも併売しておりますので、入れ違いで完売の際にはご容赦下さい。 ご注文後は、すぐにアメリカ倉庫にて出荷準備に入りますので、ご注文後のキャンセルはお断りさせて頂いております。 大口注文や掲載していない商品についても海外からお取寄せすることが可能です。「問い合わせ」よりご連絡ください。メールの返信は翌営業日以降となりますのでご了承ください。 商品カテゴリ SONON おもちゃ・ホビー ゲーム、おもちゃおもちゃ人形ハウス、建物 JANコード/ISBNコード 0850026738063 商品コード YS0000010436683878
商品名 Hands Craft DIY Miniature Dollhouse Kit - Mysterious World Bloomy House 3D Model Wooden House Building Kit with LED Lights Transparent Display Puzzle Adults and Teens Safe and Non-Toxic Wood DS002
商品コメント DIY MINIATURE DOLLHOUSE KIT ? Whether this is your first 3D dollhouse miniature kit, or you are looking to expand your already existing craft collection, you’ve come to the right place. This tiny 3D dollhouse display room will keep you busy as you assemble the perfect little space. Kids and adults alike will enjoy this 3D model craft kit. Made of high quality materials crafted with care to be long-lasting, these mini model house kits are DIY, so you get to put it together as a fun hobby.360 TRANSPARENT DISPLAY ? Expand your imagination with these DIY Miniature Kits! These come in various themed designs, but they all have this in common: creative and cozy. It’s a charming choice for home d?cor with a wholly transparent 360-degree stereoscopic scene to bring the magic of a dreamy world to your homes. It’s also a great activity for anyone, whether or not you are a hobbyists or artsy crafty person. This quiet do-it-yourself activity is perfect for the entire family (ages 14+).REAL LED LIGHTS ? To make our rooms look as realistic as possible, we included light fixtures with tiny LED bulbs to illuminate each little room. This vibrant, cozy lighting will add the magical finishing touch to your room, table, shelf, or showcase and bring the scene to life. Each kit comes with everything included, as well as a colorful instruction book with illustrations to give you an idea of the possibilities. Enjoy DIY crafting fun that guarantees a beautiful, finished product.HANDS-ON LEARNING ACTIVITY ? This model house was specifically made with your enjoyment in mind, not your dolls’. It is a great interactive toy for all kids who like to engage in hands-on learning with the best interactive materials. It stimulates creativity, builds focus and concentration, teaches spatial relationships, and improves hand-eye coordination. It comes equipped with all the materials and tools you need. This elegant modern DIY mini house is an amazing d?cor that is sure to impress.AMAZING GIFT ? DIY miniature dollhouse kits are made for everyone to enjoy. It’s the perfect present to give to children, teens, siblings, relatives, or friends. Easy enough for anybody to craft together, the amazing craftsmanship quality and enchanting scenic style will make this anyone’s favorite new home d?cor piece. Get one or more kits from our Mysterious World series and collect them all for yourself or a loved one for their birthday, Christmas, Valentines, or other special occasion.

残り 1 9226円

(92 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.03.05〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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