商品名 | フィールドLogic sg00328?s4gear LockDownX双眼ハーネス他のロイポルト、Canon、Nikon、スワロフスキー、Bushnell双眼鏡ブルー SG00328 |
ブランド名 | Field Logic |
商品コメント | COMFORTABLE Adjustable breathable harness is lightweight for maximum comfort and fitSECURE Pliable cover and stretch shock cord is quiet and provides lowprofile lens protection for maximum optics security and quick accessTENSION FREE GLASSING Allows you to draw your binoculars to your face without tensionANTIBOUNCE TECHNOLOGY Safely secures binoculars to your chest preventing them from swinging or bouncingFITS OPTICS 5.75 to 7.5 in length. Also available in Micro Size for smaller binoculars |
残り 1 点 8590円
(86 ポイント還元!)
翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く
お届け日: 2025.03.04〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)